Dr. Lydia Dhanammal

Professor and Head

Dr. Lydia Dhanammal

Professor and Head

  • Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education & Research, Puducherry-605 009.
Academic Qualification (Starting with highest degree Awarded)
Degree Awarded Field of Study Institution / Place Year of completion
Ph.D. Animal Genetics and Breeding National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 2006
M.V.Sc. Animal Genetics and Breeding Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1994
B.V.Sc. Veterinary Sciences Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1992

Position and Employment (Starting with most recent employment)

Position Institution / Place From (Date) To (Date)
Professor and Head Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry-605009 1/12/2018 Till Date
Professor Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry-605009 1/3/2015 30/11/2018
Associate Professor Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry-605009 22/3/2009 28/2/2015
Assistant Professor Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry-605009 22/3/1995 21/3/2009

Research Publications

Total no. of Research / Review articles published : 36

  • C.Lydia Dhanammal, P.Thangaraju, M.John Edwin, and A.Mahalinga Nainar (1999). NOR Banding in Madras Red Sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 69(2), 121-123.
  • Lydia Dhanammal (1999). Animal Welfare and Breeding. Milcow, 21(4), 3-5.
  • Thanislass, J., and Lydia Dhanammal (2010). Identification of Single Nucleotide Variations in CYP1A1 gene in Repeat Breeding Cattle. Online Journal of Veterinary Research, 14(2), 227-232.
  • Lydia Dhanammal, Ishwar Dayal Gupta, Sathyanarayana Rachagani, and Archana Verma (2011). Genotyping of Alpha S1 Casein (Exon 10 and 11) gene by PCR-SSCP in Sahiwal Cattle. Online Journal of Veterinary Research, 15(1), 31-37.
  • Dhanammal L., Gupta I., Rachagani S., and Verma A. (2012). Genotyping Betacasein Gene (Exon.7) in Sahiwal Cattle by PCR-SSCP. Journal of Animal Sciences Advances, 2(1), 151-157.
  • Prebavathy T, Thanislass J, Lydia Dhanammal, Ganesan, R., and Mukhopadhyay, H.K. (2015). Association between SNPs in TLR2 gene segment corresponding to LRR functional domain of TLR2 receptor and bovine mastitis. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 9(2), 45-56.
  • Kiruthiga R., Thanislass J., Antony P.X., Lydia DC., Uma Maheswari D., and Venkatesa Perumal S. (2017). Comparative study of SSCP pattern of V3 and V4-V5 Region of 16S rRNA of Metagenomic DNA for the identification of rumen and microbial diversity. International Journal of Livestock Research, 7(12), 114-123.
  • Kiruthiga R., Thanislass J., Antony P.X., Lydia DC., Uma Maheswari D., and Venkatesa Perumal S. (2018). SSCP analysis of V3 Region of 16S rRNA for the characterization of rumen microbiome of goat. Journal of Animal Science and Research, 2(1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16966/2576-6457.110.

Books Published/Chapter in Books

  • G.Butchaiah and Lydia,D.C.Chapter on, “Biotechnology: Principles and Practice in Animal Production and Health” in “An Introduction to Animal Farming Systems in India,pp 789-810. 2012. Edited by Prof.Dr.R. Nagarcenkar. Printed by Navbharath Press, Bangalore.
  • Lydia Dhanammal.Chapter on, “Indigenous Poultry Breeds” in the Training Manual on Poultry Layer Hatchery Management. 2019.Published by the Animal Husbandry Wing, PKKVK, Kurumbapet, Puducherry.
  • Lydia, D.C. Chapter on, “Breeds of Cattle and Selection of Dairy Cows” in the Compendium on Dairy Cow Management. 2001.Published by Department of Animal Husbandry Extension, RAGACOVAS.

Externally funded Research projects

Total number completed :1

Title of the Project Role Duration of the Project Amount (Rs in lakhs) Funding Agency
PCR/RFLP based screening of livestock population of Pondicherry for genetic susceptibility factors of environmentally related diseases. Co-Principal Investigator 3 years (Mar.2000 to Jan.2003) 14.82 lakhs Funded by DBT, Govt. of India.

Awards & Honors

  • Best Paper Award on the Scientific paper entitled “GH-Msp I gene polymorphism and its association with production traits in Sahiwal Cattle” presented by R. Sathyanarayan, I.D. Gupta, D.C. Lydia, Archana Verma and A.K. Chakravaty in Poster Session at National Symposium on Characterization, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetics Resource Biodiversity between March 3-4, 2006 at National Bureau of Animal Genetics Resources, Karnal, Haryana-132001.
  • Received the Award for Institutional Building Activities of RIVER presented during the Foundation Day 2023.